Pre-Contract Services

Our pre-contract cost consultancy services will include:-

  • Preparing initial cost estimates in elemental form from the sketch plans;
  • Advising on development of the design to obtain maximum value;
  • Preparing detailed elemental cost plans and monitoring through the development of the design;
  • Preparing cost studies of alternative design solutions, structural forms and materials;
  • Providing all cost advice required by the design team;
  • Preparing cash flow analyses from the estimated costs based upon the programme;
  • Advising on tendering procedures and contract arrangements and the contract drafting;
  • Preparing tender documents, bills of quantities and contract conditions for tendering purposes;
  • Examining, analysing and reporting on tenders received, including detailed technical checking;
  • Preparing the formal contract documents for both main contracts and sub-contracts.


Risk & Value Management

Our project specific services also include the development of a both Risks and Opportunities Registers so, from the outset, all aspects of the scheme proposals are subject to:-

  • Rigorous value management, which prioritises the correct client requirements, considers each element to avoid unnecessary cost and encourages lateral thinking;
  • Continual appraisal and management of project risks. We recognise that delivery of a scheme on budget, in time and to the required quality can only be achieved if risks are identified, evaluated and mitigated;
  • Value management to achieve Sustainability requirements