Project Management

Randall Simmonds provide best-in-class Project Management and Employers Agents services, working with Users, Developers, Joint Ventures, Funders and Development Partnerships. In delivering our services we draw on a background knowledge gain through the development of all types of construction and commercial projects.

Our Service Delivery has three key stages, being:-

 Project Initiation, establishing:

1. Project Brief, incorporating project structure, user/resident profile, required outputs and deliverables, identification of roles relationships and responsibilities.

2. Project Controls, within the project execution plan, option studies and appraisal modelling.

3. Team Selection, including terms of reference, evaluation and price negotiations.

4. Transactional Requirements, including land acquisition / third party agreements, securing appropriate professional legal, financial and technical input.

Project Activities, managing:

1. Design and Construction Progress, monitoring against the overall project programme and critical path, with strict Quality Control of both the design drawings and the construction works.

2. Communications and Relationships, including both formal and ad-hoc project meetings and working with, or obtaining input from stakeholders, tenants representatives and end-user groups.

3. Advising and Assessing as appropriate on Environmental and Statutory Standards, plus buildability, ease of maintenance, durability and lifecycle analysis.

4. Budget Preparation and Total Project Cost Control, confirming actual cost and expenditure against the agreed budget including benchmarking, market testing, cashflow and expenditure forecasts, valuations, trend analysis and agreement of final accounts.

5. Integrated Risk and Value Management, including identification, analysis and reporting.

6. Procurement of Contractor’s Prices, including contracting strategies and open book approaches based on best practice.

7. Ensuring Client Sign-offs, at each stage, with formal project reporting and change management procedures.


Project Close-Out, providing:

1. Effective Project Handover, with suitable commissioning, training and legal, statutory, mandatory and best practice compliance documentation; Co-ordinated defects management and Health & Safety documentation.

2. Reflective Close-Out Reports, including detailed cost and programme analysis, performance review to assess teamwork and progress against key time, cost and quality criteria and capturing lessons learned for future reference.